4 simple things you can do to smash your 2018 sales targets

Posted by Simeon Stanford
Last updated 2nd March 2020
reading time

  • W. Clement Stone
    Businessman & Author

    Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman – not the attitude of the prospect.

    W. Clement Stone
    Businessman & Author
  • Set some actual sales targets
    Set some actual sales targets

    Seems like a no brainer, doesn’t it?

    Yet, so many growing companies fail to plan ahead and think about the steps required to achieve their marketing and sales goals.

    Take a few minutes to think about your sales targets for the year ahead and make sure they meet the SMART guidelines – that is to say, your targets should be:

    • S – Specific
    • M – Measurable
    • A – Achievable
    • R – Relevant
    • T – Time Constrained

    What does this look like in practice? Something like – “I’ll work towards closing 3 new customers in the electrical industry by end of Q3 2018.”

    If you are looking for a little head start for planning your sales targets this year, why not access our free toolkit on this very subject?

    Pick 3 to 5 niches to focus on this year
    Pick 3 to 5 niches to focus on this year

    Leave your scattergun approach to finding work by the wayside.

    You may have found yourself historically finding work by casting your net far and wide. This often produces little (or a lot of the wrong type of) results.

    When you start to hone in on a few industries or types of people where you can really deliver value, there is a genuine snowball effect for sales success.

    Not only does having a few focused target markets set you apart as an authority in these fields, but you will also find your ability to complete work faster, to a higher standard and at the right cost will improve.

    How do I decide what markets to target?

    Choosing your niche areas can be a chore if you are unsure what you’re doing. As a starting point, take a step back and think to yourself which projects have you completed that were fun, profitable and where you left with happy customers. This sweet spot may be a great place to gain future work.

    You may also want to consider markets by geography, or some demographic that best fits your sales model.

    Master your inbound marketing strategy
    Master your inbound marketing strategy

    As growing businesses, we all work with limited time and for the most part limited pipelines. Having a consistent and workable inbound strategy will allow you to better plan for peaks and troughs in your sales goals.

    What should your inbound strategy consist of?

    You need to think about tried and tested ways to increase the amount of traffic reaching your website, the number of people leaving details for enquiries, and how to convert the right number of leads into actual customers (at the right time). Equally as important, having a process for answering customer questions and ensuring their success will be pivotal to your own.

    If you are looking for tips and tricks on getting your inbound strategy setup, this resource may help.

    Make follow-up a natural part of your business process
    Make follow-up a natural part of your business process

    It doesn’t matter if you are dealing with a prospect, an existing customer or even a supplier – make sure you follow up on every conversation to its conclusion.

    Don’t take a lack of response to mean disinterest – people have schedules that are just as busy as your own. Plus, sometimes all it takes is that quick reminder or chase up to turn what was once a cold lead into a new bit of business!

Simeon Stanford

Simeon is a founder at Sites Done Right and heads up the company's sales and partnerships. His experience across business intelligence, data and websites make him a force to be reckoned with.

Simeon Stanford
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